19 September 2020

Training bees... will probably lead to disaster

 From The Times  https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bees-can-be-trained-to-sniff-out-flowers-3xk9dg98c

It has long been understood that if you want a dog to hunt you can train it to follow a particular scent. Now it appears that something very similar is true of bees.

Scientists have taught honeybees to seek out the odour of a specific species of flower. The researchers behind the work believe that coaching the insects in this way could enable crops to be pollinated more efficiently.

My comment: By teaching bees to fees on just one species, will they suffer from lack of diet variation? Probably. Is this project wise? Probably not.

Scientists introduced food to a hive with a substance that mimicked the smell of sunflowers

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