When you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.
25 November 2007
23 November 2007
Pam is a keen (and knowledgeable) gardener and beekeeper

Pam Ayres, poet of the English nether regions, is a beekeeper. Her web site ( biog states "Pam is a keen (and knowledgeable) gardener and beekeeper."
20 November 2007
Ellas Some excellent photos of bees and miscellaneous hymenoptera, such as the drinking bee (Oh Yes!), wasps and yellowjackets as well as an enormous list of blog links. I'm guessing that ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΒΑΡΡΟΑ ΠΑΝΩ ΣΕ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΟ ΜΙΚΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΟ is the Greek for something like "varroa mite seen on a bee through a microscope." The pictures alone are worth a look, even if your Greek is restricted to Demestos-inspired ramblings.
19 November 2007
India Times: "Honeybees inspire efficient servers"
16 November 2007
Feed the bees, tuppence a bag...

Max advises me that another feed of the bees would be a good plan. My last attempt involved the sticky realisation that the syrup was too watery, with a horrible dribble of goo splashing all over the frames. His tip top tip is to shake the feeder upside down before putting it on the crown board.
The next tip is not to leave the feeder on the hive all winter (which I did last year). He reckons that the plastic bucket traps condensation and is better removed as soon as the girls have had their fill.
Pic stolen from I saw the show - *excellent* with an outstanding and truly remarkable performance from Scarlett Strallen in the title role
The next tip is not to leave the feeder on the hive all winter (which I did last year). He reckons that the plastic bucket traps condensation and is better removed as soon as the girls have had their fill.
Pic stolen from I saw the show - *excellent* with an outstanding and truly remarkable performance from Scarlett Strallen in the title role
14 November 2007
More blogging than beekeeping

Very good bee blog, with quirky references to all kinds of oddities and beekeeping comments:
01 November 2007
More beeblog links
Like subatomic particles, the closer you look, the more you find:
Apitherapy News
Backyard Beekeeper
Bees for Development
Canaries in a Coalmine
City Bees
Global Swarming Honey Bees
Hive Mind Honey
Linda's Bees
Mountain Musings on Bees and Life
Robo's World
The Barefoot Beekeeper
The Daily Green Saves the Bees
Apitherapy News
Backyard Beekeeper
Bees for Development
Canaries in a Coalmine
City Bees
Global Swarming Honey Bees
Hive Mind Honey
Linda's Bees
Mountain Musings on Bees and Life
Robo's World
The Barefoot Beekeeper
The Daily Green Saves the Bees