When you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.
22 December 2021
Visiting our Education Centre
from British Beekeepers Association
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20 December 2021
What we can offer
from British Beekeepers Association
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Additional Resources
from British Beekeepers Association
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02 December 2021
Sticky mess
Last year my colonies were chewing through up to 500 g of fondant every week. In total, each colony polished off around 12 kg.
This year, rather than replenish the hives every two weeks, I loaded one single fondant block of 12.5 kg (that's the pack size, no science here!) on the crown boards.
Today I discovered that the principle is good, but the practice is bad. Last year's I used old food tubs, which hold the fondant in place nicely. This year I started with a nicely squared-off block in a plastic bag. But the bag doesn't do the same job as a tub, and the whole thing has subsided into a giant sticky mess on the top of each hive.
Luckily, the bees seem not to mind.
01 December 2021
Algarve beekeeping in “state of calamity” due to wildfires and lack of support
The Alentejo and Algarve account for around 20% of Portugal’s beehives and produce over 1.1 tons of honey, much of which is exported. However, wildfires, climate change and droughts have taken a toll on production levels, explains Melgarbe expert Paulo Ventura.
“In the Algarve, 6,000 hectares housing around 3,500 beehives will be sterile for at least two years,” Ventura said, adding that between 700 and 800 beehives were lost in the Eastern Algarve’s fires last summer and that others are dying due to the harsh conditions.