BBKA News Editor Vacancy The BBKA is seeking a new editor for BBKA News. After doing a superb job for thirty years as our editor, Sharon Blake has decided to pass the magazine on to someone else. BBKA News is expected to provide a wide range of content suitable to meet the needs of beekeepers who will have a range of experience. The editor is responsible for the content and production of BBKA News and reports to the BBKA editorial team. We anticipate the editor will be an active and experienced beekeeper with a sound knowledge of beekeeping practice and beekeeping policies. The role involves generating ideas for articles in line with BBKA policy; commissioning and obtaining these in a timely manner according to the publication schedule; liaising with authors and the production team and evaluating the proofs. The production schedule is set and agreed with the editorial team, printers and distributors and the editor will need to be comfortable working as part of a team. ...
from British Beekeepers Association
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