CONFUSING ENTHUSIASM WITH RESULTSWhen you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.
thanks for posting this. I never thought I'd see a greek blog about bees! I lived in greece for awhile and this is a fun blog!
I can tell you everything you want about my blog or beekeeping in Greece.That day i was talking about polen and polen traps.Tyler Mitchell, if you come again in Creece , we can meet together.
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thanks for posting this. I never thought I'd see a greek blog about bees! I lived in greece for awhile and this is a fun blog!
I can tell you everything you want about my blog or beekeeping in Greece.
That day i was talking about polen and polen traps.
Tyler Mitchell, if you come again in Creece , we can meet together.
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